after you download it you have to extract the file from the .zip format. then you should be able to find the .exe file in the extraced folder. double clicking on it should make it run.
ive tried extracting it like several times,but every time I try to actually pen the game it gives me the "could not execute"screen!and I cant figure out why,but I REALLY wanna play...!!!!
it might be because your extracting it into the wrong folder, or dontt have enough storage. make sure you're extracting the files into your downloads folder
I was very excited when I found this game and found out that I could play it in Germany.(there are lot games that i'm not able to Play here) but now I am sitting here vor literally 2 hours trying to open the game. I read all the comments and tried to open it but it won't work. Im crying cause I'm so upset right now. I don't know what I should do know ;-;
after downloading it you need to go into your downloads. find the .zip file and extract it. then you open the folder and find the .exe file. double clicking or right cicking and selecting open/run should start it up.
Hi, i have been having some problems with opening the game. The game opened in my files and there were multiple options and i wasnt sure which one to choose. Please get back to me soon (:
Hi! if you still need help with this, what you need to do is highlight the zipped up looking folder, then under the pink highlight, press extract, then you will see the same file folder (after unzipped) click that and you will see the application type: file, click on the application file and that should start the game
(JSYK: I cannot code for the life of me and I had like 8 tabs open for "how to's" and "what is" searches because my brain isn't as brilliant as yours {I mean, look at you! You made a SIM and it looks great!} and I also was trying to do this on a (Acer) Chromebook because I know deep down that someone else has tried it before and it worked somehow because people create awesome things like (out of context/ not related) VPNs and work around their setbacks in the end. I do have a really old ASUS Core i3 3rd gen windows laptop, but would prefer not to use it because I share it with my family. I don't know what version windows it is updated to because I use my Chromebook all the time. (;^-^) and I also don't know anything about my CB because I didn't buy it. Sorry, I know that's not enough info for you.)
If you don't mind helping that'd be great, but it's okay if you don't or can't. I know that a lot of people already tried to download your game using Chromebooks but couldn't because that's just how it is with them, but I really wanted to try still (; v ;) Thx! and keep doing your thing! Plus Ultra~
For everyone who is trying to play this game on windows 10, I have an easy way. First, I have PeaZip which helps me play games on itch. You will need this or any other app that you have that can extract files. Then, after you download the game, put it in it's own file. Use the app or whatever you have to extract the zip. In the zip is a file that was everything. Inside that file, there is the application. Open this and you have the game. Have fun with this cute game~
d you mean apple tablet? im pretty sure it only works on computers. if not and your using a mac, i cant help. yur should be able to find vids on youtube to helpout.
so depressed because I've tried everything to try and get the app to install..... doesn't work.... I really wanted to play it and depending on how good the game was I was going to support the creator so they could make more..... but I have downloaded the file but according to my windows laptop and tablet there is no way to run the app....
right clicking on the .zip file, there will be an option to extract or extract all. click that, and in the new folder there will be a .exe file. double click or rght click and hit run
might be too late now, but go into your downloads folder, find the .zip file, right click, extract. then open the new unzipped folder and there will be a .exe file. double click it, or right click and hit run.
This is really cool! I enjoyed this a lot, the art was nice and the whole concept was nice. I'm not a big KiriBaku shipper, but being a BNHA fan I still loved this! Please make more of these games~
Hey new here and i was wondering if there was a my hero academia dating sim novel thank you for making this. I hope we get one with all characters from the anime in this format.
OMG OMG OMG I can't believe that a ship I loved so much has a game featuring their love story, Thank you so much for making this <3 I definitely enjoyed playing this game cuz it reminded me so much of the fanfics I read. Amazing art and music, love the interaction of all characters, and the puzzle part is fun too! Keep up the awesome work!
So I didn't expect much out of this game at first, but hOLY HECK I really liked it! The escape room was so cool and the art was amazing! If I'm being honest, this kind of inspired me to start on something I'd been writing for a while. I'm currently working on a bnha visual novel of my own and I was wondering if you had any tips, recommendations on what programs to use, ect? Thank you!
Hey if you dislike coding (like me, I have no coding ability lol) you could give CloudNovel a try! It's a coding free engine and so far it's been pretty easy to use for me.
hey! I'm a little bit confused, it's not letting me open the game sadly. I use a windows 10.
I extracted the files and such but every time I click on the application a message pops up saying like "could not execute blah blah blah kiribaku-1-3-2 win kiribaku. exe. is it missing?" which I'm pretty sure it isn't. could you help me out here? ;; I really do wanna try the game out! it seems so cool,,
That's odd, I use Windows 10 too, did you download the wrong one? If you did, then click on the one that has the win thing on it. But if that doesn't work, then try re-downloading.
I tried to open the .exe file with the windows version on my chromebook but it won't let me play it? Is there any other way for me to try to play this AMAZING looking game??
When I found this I was screeching. I loved it and I’m definitely playing again to get all the endings and achievements. Also, where can I find the music? It was amazing
Oh man I had to create an account just to say how much I love this game! It was so much fun to get all the endings and trying to get all achievements. The art is stunning and the plot is really nice... I love it!
Well, in the path it says "OneDrive" its possible that your OneDrive does support or doesn't run .exe files. Save it on your computers hard drive and try again (Also, Make sure the file is extracted from the zip folder)
I really love this game! I've always been a shipper of this, and I'm amazed to see it projected so professionally into a visual novel! I just had one question. I've only been able to get two endings. May you please help?
← Return to game
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how do you play
how do you get the cheat note achievment?
how do you open the game can you help me please i really wanna play
after you download it you have to extract the file from the .zip format. then you should be able to find the .exe file in the extraced folder. double clicking on it should make it run.
ive tried extracting it like several times,but every time I try to actually pen the game it gives me the "could not execute"screen!and I cant figure out why,but I REALLY wanna play...!!!!
it might be because your extracting it into the wrong folder, or dontt have enough storage. make sure you're extracting the files into your downloads folder
this was super cute !!!! i really like all the art it was a very good game !!!! :D!!!!
someone please respond
can you play on a tablet?
no =(
Nevermind.. I found it.. I finished the game 100%! In 2 days! Hooray!
how to you find the cheat sheet??? ive been trying to find it for a long time now!
how, where ,aaaaa I straight up looked for it non stop for like 2 hours and clicked on everything and I dont see anything
you have to click on the rag/cloth hanging on the book shelf multiple times
oh.. thank you a lot! now I can die happy that I finished the game that will help the ships sail freely
For the love of Kiribaku I just can't find the cheat sheet! Whyyyyyy?! My urge to complete games 100% always does this!
I was very excited when I found this game and found out that I could play it in Germany.(there are lot games that i'm not able to Play here) but now I am sitting here vor literally 2 hours trying to open the game. I read all the comments and tried to open it but it won't work. Im crying cause I'm so upset right now. I don't know what I should do know ;-;
after downloading it you need to go into your downloads. find the .zip file and extract it. then you open the folder and find the .exe file. double clicking or right cicking and selecting open/run should start it up.
Help meee, I can't find the cheating sheet anywhere!!!!
me either!
Hi! if you still need help with this, what you need to do is highlight the zipped up looking folder, then under the pink highlight, press extract, then you will see the same file folder (after unzipped) click that and you will see the application type: file, click on the application file and that should start the game
Hi, I saw a youtube video for your game and really wanted to play lol, but it seems I need a little help (;o~o)
So the issue I'm having is opening the file when it is a tar.bz2 file. I did look into the link you shared with narimin ( but it didn't make sense to me (;TTwTT)
(JSYK: I cannot code for the life of me and I had like 8 tabs open for "how to's" and "what is" searches because my brain isn't as brilliant as yours
{I mean, look at you! You made a SIM and it looks great!} and I also was trying to do this on a (Acer) Chromebook because I know deep down that someone else has tried it before and it worked somehow because people create awesome things like (out of context/ not related) VPNs and work around their setbacks in the end. I do have a really old ASUS Core i3 3rd gen windows laptop, but would prefer not to use it because I share it with my family. I don't know what version windows it is updated to because I use my Chromebook all the time. (;^-^) and I also don't know anything about my CB because I didn't buy it. Sorry, I know that's not enough info for you.)
If you don't mind helping that'd be great, but it's okay if you don't or can't. I know that a lot of people already tried to download your game using Chromebooks but couldn't because that's just how it is with them, but I really wanted to try still (; v ;) Thx! and keep doing your thing! Plus Ultra~
the art styles are amazing. the plot is amazing. the music is amazing. EVERYTHING IS AMAZING IM IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME
For everyone who is trying to play this game on windows 10, I have an easy way. First, I have PeaZip which helps me play games on itch. You will need this or any other app that you have that can extract files. Then, after you download the game, put it in it's own file. Use the app or whatever you have to extract the zip. In the zip is a file that was everything. Inside that file, there is the application. Open this and you have the game. Have fun with this cute game~
How can you play this apple, if you can play it on apple
d you mean apple tablet? im pretty sure it only works on computers. if not and your using a mac, i cant help. yur should be able to find vids on youtube to helpout.
so depressed because I've tried everything to try and get the app to install..... doesn't work.... I really wanted to play it and depending on how good the game was I was going to support the creator so they could make more..... but I have downloaded the file but according to my windows laptop and tablet there is no way to run the app....
same here, i'm mega upset
works fine in mine. You have to extract the zip file
How do i do that
right clicking on the .zip file, there will be an option to extract or extract all. click that, and in the new folder there will be a .exe file. double click or rght click and hit run
can anyone help i have downloaded this 4 times and i can't get into the game i have a windows ten SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
might be too late now, but go into your downloads folder, find the .zip file, right click, extract. then open the new unzipped folder and there will be a .exe file. double click it, or right click and hit run.
This is really cool! I enjoyed this a lot, the art was nice and the whole concept was nice. I'm not a big KiriBaku shipper, but being a BNHA fan I still loved this! Please make more of these games~
Love it only sad thing is i cant play it on my chromebook so i have to use a different computer for it.
Hey new here and i was wondering if there was a my hero academia dating sim novel thank you for making this. I hope we get one with all characters from the anime in this format.
How can I play this on chromebook?
Don't think you can. I have a chromebook as well as a windows running computer so I had to use that one. This seems to be the case for a lot of games
Excellent work!!! I'm hoping to create some visual novels of my own and this really inspired me!
OMG OMG OMG I can't believe that a ship I loved so much has a game featuring their love story, Thank you so much for making this <3 I definitely enjoyed playing this game cuz it reminded me so much of the fanfics I read. Amazing art and music, love the interaction of all characters, and the puzzle part is fun too! Keep up the awesome work!
So I didn't expect much out of this game at first, but hOLY HECK I really liked it! The escape room was so cool and the art was amazing! If I'm being honest, this kind of inspired me to start on something I'd been writing for a while. I'm currently working on a bnha visual novel of my own and I was wondering if you had any tips, recommendations on what programs to use, ect? Thank you!
Hey if you dislike coding (like me, I have no coding ability lol) you could give CloudNovel a try! It's a coding free engine and so far it's been pretty easy to use for me.
this was REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for making this
hey! I'm a little bit confused, it's not letting me open the game sadly. I use a windows 10.
I extracted the files and such but every time I click on the application a message pops up saying like "could not execute blah blah blah kiribaku-1-3-2 win kiribaku. exe. is it missing?" which I'm pretty sure it isn't. could you help me out here? ;; I really do wanna try the game out! it seems so cool,,
That's odd, I use Windows 10 too, did you download the wrong one? If you did, then click on the one that has the win thing on it. But if that doesn't work, then try re-downloading.
same here
OMG SAME!!!!its really killing me!;u;
I tried to open the .exe file with the windows version on my chromebook but it won't let me play it? Is there any other way for me to try to play this AMAZING looking game??
When I found this I was screeching. I loved it and I’m definitely playing again to get all the endings and achievements. Also, where can I find the music? It was amazing
Would fulfill a fantasy that doesn't belong to me again.
love the game so far! looking forward to playing more of this beautiful game! <3
There seems to be an issue with opening up the game from my Windows it has an error screen everytime I try
Hi! Can you let me know what your error message says?
Oh man I had to create an account just to say how much I love this game! It was so much fun to get all the endings and trying to get all achievements. The art is stunning and the plot is really nice... I love it!
I love KiriBaku and BakuShima but I can't get the good ending is there a guide somewhere?
Well, in the path it says "OneDrive" its possible that your OneDrive does support or doesn't run .exe files. Save it on your computers hard drive and try again (Also, Make sure the file is extracted from the zip folder)
Heeeelp! It`s not working for me.
I really love this game! I've always been a shipper of this, and I'm amazed to see it projected so professionally into a visual novel! I just had one question. I've only been able to get two endings. May you please help?